
Wisdom 7: 21-30; Psalm 103: 1-4, 13-18; John 14: 8-11
A Celebration of New Ministry

We invite you to share in the Celebration of New Ministry for the Parish of the Valley, held on Monday, May 8th at 7pm in Holy Trinity Pembroke. Our parish was honoured to welcome the Venerable Patrick Stephens, Archdeacon of Pembroke, as the presider, together with the Very Reverend Beth Bretzlaff, Dean of Ottawa and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral, as our preacher.

This service will also be broadcast on Sunday, May 14th at 10am on YourTV Ottawa Valley. Thank you for joining us in prayer across the Parish of the Valley and beyond.

For the order of service for the Celebration of New Ministry, please click here.

For this week's Valley Bulletin, please click here.