Holy Trinity Anglican Cemetery is situated between James Street and Dominion Street in the heart of the City of Pembroke. With burials dating to the first half of the 19th century, Holy Trinity Cemetery has been providing a peaceful and graceful resting place for the faithful in Christ for nearly two centuries. We hope you will take the opportunity to visit our historic cemetery and experience the tranquility of this sacred resting place in the heart of the Ottawa Valley.

Holy Trinity Cemetery is overseen by a Cemetery Board, which is accountable to the Holy Trinity Church Vestry. Inquiries about interments, plot purchases or geneological research may be directed to the Cemetery Board Chair, Mr. Robert Hanson: 613-401-4172. 

Holy Trinity is pleased to announce the construction of a 72-niche Columbarium, to be completed Fall 2024. Niches in the columbarium can hold up to two urns. For more information about purchasing a niche in the columbarium, please contact Alexis Anderson via the Holy Trinity Church Office: office@valleyanglicans.ca or 613-732-4658.

To make a donation to the cemetery, you can mail a cheque to the Holy Trinity Church Office (please clearly note "For the Cemetery" with your donation). Donations can also be made through our website, at the green "Give" button here, or through Canada Helps (please select "The Cemetery Fund" from the drop down menu). The Holy Trinity Cemetery operates on a not-for-profit basis and all contributions of $10 or more given through the church are elgible for a charitable donation receipt.