
Genesis 28.10-19a; Ps 139.1-11, 22-23; Romans 8.12-25; Matthew 13.24-30, 36-43
Parish of the Valley Worships Online for Sunday, July 30, 2023

For this week's recorded service we are pleased to share the following liturgy recorded live last Sunday in Holy Trinity Pembroke with the Rev. Nicholas Forte presiding and preaching. This service will also be broadcast on YourTV Ottawa Valley. Our parish's weekly television broadcast airs on Sundays at 10am.

Please note: There will be no live-stream service on Sunday July 30th from Holy Trinity Pembroke due to the annual Cemetery Service, which is being held outdoors at the cemetery. There will also not be a live-stream on Sunday August 6th. Our weekly live-stream will resume on Sunday, August 13th.

For this week's Valley Bulletin, please click here.